First, the green sunglasses rock.
Second, delivering for his teammates who worked so hard in those last 30km to blow the field apart and get him there.
Third, "Riders who want to race like Juniors, they'll get results like Juniors."
Oh no he didn't!!
Runner-up prize today goes to Lance for: "When anybody's working on the front and you see a turn coming up and it's windy - it doesn't take a genius to know that you'd better be there."
Oh snap!
Do you think Ronan Pensec is right, that Astana will play this stage to AC's advantage in the end (by letting him sit back & have LA doing the heavy lifting til week 3)--or is it rumble time? That interview (that you quoted Sara) sounded like fighting words to me!
Posted by: Rae | July 06, 2009 at 11:22 PM
I too found that interview very telling Rae. I stole the "it doesn't take a genius quote" but the other thing he said that caught my attention was, "Look, I've won the Tour de France seven times, I think I deserve a bit of credit for that..."
He's been so incredibly gracious about AC in the weeks leading up to the Tour. Everything has been about what a great young rider Contador is, "the best in the world today" I've heard Lance say. So I found it interesting to hear his tone change ever so slightly today. It's kind of like the kick-ass Lance is coming out again. I like it.
Posted by: Sara Best | July 06, 2009 at 11:31 PM
27 man break-away...what the...???
All Lance all the time....doh.
Cav, if I hadn't seen his humble side on other occasions I might be miffed. Exactly how young do you have to be to "telephone home?"
Why can't the flats be like this more often? Yay Mr Wind! (where's matt when you need him?)
Yeah Rae, don't remember things being scrappy this early in the Tour. What fun, eh?
Posted by: cat | July 06, 2009 at 11:33 PM
He actually said "It's not rocket science...."
Posted by: CMehl | July 06, 2009 at 11:37 PM
Oh Cathy, you are sounding like somebody else I remember...;-) Of course you are right.
Ok, I'm a dork and didn't notice the Lance jersey at the bottom (why can't we take three weeks off and rent a cabin somewhere for the Tour so you'd keep me up on shit?). As far as his tone, I thought once yesterday started, he didn't sound so politically correct anymore. I am sure all will keep their focus on the goal and work together 'cause they are just too damn good.
Columbia, yes who is the new sponsor? So happy with the kit and color change. Remember when they had that goofy bubble 70's style font? And the weird colors?
*sigh* and I know I am getting all too fashionista here, but I miss Chipotle in the team name. Something sweet about that.
I must say, the sadness of missin' Robbie is tempered by Mr Cav. He is some-fast-boy. I am also sooooo happy Bobke decided to keep his hair short. AND he's controlling his hands! Do you think they glued them to the desk? Now where is the Chris Horner replacement? Cant be done.
Well, this is pretty damned exciting boys and girls! It's finally summer and it's the TOUR!
(damn) PS JD HONEY!!! How is de MAMA? So nice to see you up and about, so to speak. How's the gig going? Sleepin? Not? Sore? You sure sound good. How the heck can you even focus on this? I was a wreck after number one was born, but I spose the second time is easier, well except that no one takes the first one off your hands for a while, you know to give you a break ;-)
Posted by: cat | July 06, 2009 at 11:57 PM
TTT tomorrow--wonder if all the teams will be too tired after today to throw it down?! We lead the teams class so we get to start last and the guys are really hoping to win. I always like this event, so great to see the guys working together as a unit.
So much was made of LA making the break and Conta missing it, but if you look at the true picture MOST of the GC contenders missed the split, not just AC. But Fabian said it himself in the post race interview--he heard in his radio that a change of direction was coming and he moved up. I watched it again tonight and he rocketed to the front--he is race savvy and knew what it meant (Saxo Bank love to split races apart, they do it often, but as a team they had controlled the race for much of the stage so many had tired legs). LA saw it coming too, plus two teammates, so it really boils down to being attentive, making yourself ride up front and taking advantage of an opportunity.
In the end the gap to Conta is not much between he and LA--certainly not anything the former couldn't close down easily on a mountain stage if he performs like we know he can....but hey, this is the TdF and anything can happen.
Aren't we lucky to be fans??!!!
Nighty night: 5:30AM comes awfully early but I bet I am anxious to hop out of bed tomorrow!
Posted by: CMehl | July 07, 2009 at 12:20 AM
Okay, I still haven't seen the 2nd breakaway! Repeat is on right now but it's about an hr before the split happens. I wish Levi and Cvv and seen the break coming. And I ADORE Mark Cav!!! Since last yr at the Tour then at the Tour of MO; he stole my heart away from Robbie McEwen!!!
Posted by: Theresa | July 07, 2009 at 01:15 AM
A big "hi" back at you Susie!
Wasn't that a strange-ish little interview with LA? The questions seemed a bit like poking at a bear, trying to get a grumble or a swipe out of him. Maybe it worked....
And in my last comment I waved off AC and maybe I should eat a bit of my hat after he did so well in Stage 1.
Can someone help me out; I have a novice cycling question. When Phil said, "that rider is going into that in such a HUGE gear", what does that mean? Is that a high number of rotations (what I think of as a loose/low gear) or is it a high numbered gear and it takes alot of muscle?
I'm sorry I don't mean to embarass myself further with this dumb question but it would be great to finally understand what it means to a serious rider.
And one last favor to ask:
Would someone be willing to call my boyfriend and support my claim that it's outrageous for him to tell me, in passing, with no passion for the information, who won the stage WHEN I HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET AS I HAD TO GET READY FOR WORK.
And then, politely inform him that it is further insulting that he told me THE WRONG NAME! I was wondering all morning how on earth Cancellara could have won the sprint --
Posted by: jessica | July 07, 2009 at 03:35 AM
cat - don't think cav was 'phoning home', think it was a plug for the new sponsor HTC which is a cellphone manufacturer. if you look very closely, (and often (both of which i did)) you can see that whilst his right hand is doing the phone, his left is pointing at the HTC on his chest. sweet child. thinking of the sponsors.
Posted by: debi | July 07, 2009 at 03:37 AM
Oh....thanks debi! I saw him pointing , as they often do, but didn't know who the heck the HTC was so, there ya are, a sponsor plug lost on an uninformed member of the audience.
hahahahahahah! Jes, you crack me UP! Start telling him stuff about some sport he really likes, incorrectly of course! Big gears are the lower ones you use at lower speeds or when you want to "have more power." This is not an official explanation, just one from my own commuter experience riding my bike. Start out in a low gear, like in a car, the gear is big so each rotation is slower but covers more ground. The higher gears are smaller so you rotate your pedals more times per rotation of the wheel. I'm sure others have a more more eloquent explanation.
ANyway, the reason I logged on early (and am late to work) is to point ya'll to an article about Astana,174911
Evidently Ben Stiller came to visit Lance and made the team late to the start line. They were fined an OUTRAGEOUS amount of money ;-) Pretty funny, but a bit arrogant on the part of our guys. Don't give folks a reason to bitch about you cause they will!
Posted by: cat | July 07, 2009 at 08:27 AM
Dang it took me 15 minutes to read then write...It's already 0730....gotta run!
Posted by: cat | July 07, 2009 at 08:29 AM
WARNING: this post contains info about today's stage but not the results--written during the early part of the stage (in case you want to avoid all comments before you watch for yourself).
Versus just showed LA taking some questions from the press this morning on his way to the TTT so everyone should be happy for the day! He was criticized yesterday by a race organizer for arriving late and not letting the fans have their moment with him....but I thought the organization didn't give a rat's ass about him being there and didn't like him? So who could possibly be there to cheer for him?!
Geez, Menchov channeling Bambi again and the roads aren't even wet. And Bbox is blowing up, feel bad for them for sure: flats, crashes....carnage.
And it's barely even begun!
Posted by: CMehl | July 07, 2009 at 09:31 AM
Forgot to say that HTC have already gotten their monies worth in sponsorship for Columbia and their newest poster for their ad campaign to boot! All that in 2 weeks!
See, investing in cycling is a SMART move!
Posted by: CMehl | July 07, 2009 at 09:33 AM
"Menchov channeling Bambi again" - Cathy you made me spit my coffee out - friggin hilarious.
Posted by: Sara Best | July 07, 2009 at 12:59 PM
All I can say after today's stage is OMG! I won't spoil it for others yet as it is still early but it's a nail-biter and a very exciting TTT.
Love this event and watching nine men in tight skin suits pumping their legs for 46 minutes is my idea of a good day!!
Posted by: CMehl | July 07, 2009 at 01:39 PM
Jessica, no, none of your questions will be dumb. We were all new to racing once.
A bigger gear is harder to turn, but can be more efficient if not too hard. The smaller gears are easier to turn, make it easier to go uphill, but the faster cadence required is not always easy either.
The TTT was exciting too! Surprising (well maybe not) losses by some teams--
Have to go to my Mom's to pack some things up--but I need to reset my fantasy team first! Priorities, ya know!
Posted by: Rae | July 07, 2009 at 01:55 PM
That was an amazing stage - real edge of the seat stuff.
Sorry to go off topic... Debi - any thoughts/predictions on the tri-nations?
Posted by: nakigrl | July 07, 2009 at 04:09 PM
WHAT a race!!! I was biting my nails waiting for the results today. Looks like we're not revealing results yet (LOL Jessica!!!!), but wow!
I had to make some changes on my fantasy team today too, Rae ;)
GREAT quotes Sara! I haven't had a chance to keep up with a lot (which is a shame because there is SO much available this year) and I enjoy all of the links that you guys can provide here to the good stuff. Sounds like fighting words from both LA and Cav! (not towards each other of course)
Did you all see the crazy chaos surrounding Lance after the stage today. Dang. I would be completely nervous and somewhat claustrophobic if I was being surrounded by so many people trying to get at me. Lance was cool as could be. I too think that his tone has changed a bit in the past couple of days. The team still looks very cohesive, but.....well....he HAS earned some respect for those 7 wins I'd think ;)
Cat, things are going pretty well all in all. We've got eating, sleeping, and pooping going on -- so I think everything is on target at this point :) Big Sister is having some adjustment issues (knew that would happen -- any tips Sara?), but I'm making sure that Liam gets a good dose of the Tour each morning. Thanks for asking.
Posted by: janann | July 07, 2009 at 05:06 PM
Janann, When we brought the second one home from the hospital "he" brought the older brother a boogie board...wasn't that nice of him? And we kept reminding the older one just how nice that really was!
But someone told me once that you have to put yourself in their place and imagine that your husband said he was bringing home another wife to join the family....puts a little perspective on it, eh? I've heard involving them with the care of the baby is good--going to get diapers, powder, whatever. But truthfully, some just love little babies and others don't. Mine were basically okay with each other as babies--it's now as adults that they get on each others nerves--they are sooooo different from each other! Good luck!
Posted by: CMehl | July 07, 2009 at 06:46 PM
OMG OMG!!! I am soooooo glad they added TTT this year. I forgot how much damn excitement it can generate. And Cathy, I am with you, the long line of guys in lycra is like ballet *sigh* sumthin' to watch.
I had to take notes 'cause I knew I would forget my favorite parts:
First I got home 45 minutes after it started (uh, no I haven't bought Tivo), so I missed the first bit. Thank god I didn't miss teams I had to see.
Since I watched the evening's "extended version" (which seems to only include more yakking not more of the race), I missed some stuff like, what happened to four of the Garmin riders? Why did they feel like it was good to have 5 men (more maneuverability) even though they had fewer guys to trade off in the later part of the race when it was flat and windy?
I felt so horrible for Bbox. I imagine the crueler amongst cycling would say they didn't properly prepare, but gosh, that had to have been awful. It certainly was awful to watch.
As bad as Van den Broeck's fall was, did you see how he tucked out of the way of the rider behind him? That to me was really amazing. Had he remained extended, or tumbled more slowly, he would have taken the guy behind him out.
Why did Silence Lotto feel differently than Garmin about losing guys and wait for Vansummeren to keep the team at 6 because "finishing the ride with six men was much too risky?" Does it have to do with the strength (or lack) of the remaining riders?
And I want to know why Cadel Evans can't seem to catch a break. Does it have something to do with how he manages as a team leader or the men his sponsors can attract?
(am I boring you yet with the questions? I won't be offended if you skip...)
I didn't see Denis Menchov fall til the recap at the end. I thought Rabobank did OK, did Menchov finish?
I loved it when Bob Roll commented on "there's DZ (my abbreviation) driving the train!" I wish he had a stage interview this year. He is such a gas. His comment about Cavendish's trash talk was hilarious.
Garmin comes in and DAMN they made good time. Next I see SAxo fishtailing all over the place. Thought for sure someone would go down.
Later, I left the room for a minute to see number one son come home and chat about his weekend in MI, come back and ...HUH? What the heck is Ben Stiller doing on the set. Oh yeah, forgot he was there this morning making Astana late (I can't imagine LA allowing anyone to make him late). But what a minute, what's with that weird hair? For a role perhaps or just to look more Euro (not). He yaks for a while then keeps interrupting our hosts, especially what's his name that drives us all crazy (I worked 12 hours today and can hardly remember MY name!). Then Ben proceeds to share a pretty unbelievable story- Lance tells him to get on his bike as a joke...right before the race...the chain falls/breaks off? Oooopsy. No one freaks? Gets mad? Throws things (like Bob did in that Happy Birthday remembrance video when he his a cobble stone and lost his sprint to the line-what a gas)? Ho-ho-ho, that Lance, he really has a sense of humor.
In the end, I was sitting on the edge of my seat. I honestly wasn't sure they could pull it off, though they looked incredible all through the race! Then when they did, I thought, "is Lance trying to win number eight?" He certainly has been acting and talking like he wants to be team leader. I agree Sara, the press has been running with this enough to create a story where there is none, but somehow the answers that he gives don't seem to support the "I'm just happy to be here and support the team, besides I'm really here to Livestrong and those fighting cancer." Sorry, I can never quite believe him the way I could Floyd. That being said, Lance is a competitor through and through. And Bob Roll is really right on in saying he can change a Tour, creating excitement and inspiration to do more than you think you can.
In the last shots on the Podium, Stiller tried to reach high enough to get the jersey on Cancellara, shakes his hand, Cancellara turns to kiss the podium girl then turning back to Ben I thought for a moment he might kiss him too but Ben sticks out his hand again. Could anyone look more disappointed on a podium than Ben did? What a putz! Is it 'cause Lance, his good bud, wasn't the one he got to dress? Sorry, I just sat there laughing. And I like Ben as an actor, if not all his choices in film.
Is it just me or do movie stars seem really stupid when you put the in the middle of the Tour de France?
PS while I was sitting and typing, Versus was in the back of my screen playing Lance's interview from yesterday. Well Ill be darned, Lance did say "it doesn't take a genius to know you better be there."
Sorry Sara!!!!! You were right honey! We were wrong.
And, and, so many of our favorite guys are moving up in the field. CVV is 12! AC is what 19 seconds behind? Lance ZERO? This is what I call GOOD TV.
nakigrl, what is the tri-nations?
Where's Matt? I thought he was done working. And where's susieb? I thought Nikki might join us too. Heck if JD can get off her delivery table to post, you guys better have a damn good reason for sitting out ;-)
Posted by: cat | July 08, 2009 at 12:29 AM
I THINK Christian is THIRD in the GC now!!!!!! Garmin did great...but did you see Cvv interview...he said they did not want to lose the 4 extra guys. That course was down right scary!! The teams had split just to get thru those tight areas..and that spot were Bbox boys lost it was the worst for the teams.
I feel so bad for Cadel. His team is not strong enough to take care of him, and he has to do all the pulling! Last year I really think he would have won if he had not crashed so badly.
Menchov is a perfect example of why very few cyclists when the Giro and the Tour back to back. Poor guy.
Matt White with Garmin said the Tour didn't respect the riders well enough to give them a safe route for the TTT. I agree.
And Sara, you should be proud of Ryder, for hanging on! Even Danny Pate got dropped after all that pulling at the front.
I think Lance is a natural leader, and has the most experience at it. He's a lot more fun this year. And Humble. He apologized to the top guys from last years Tour.
I think Cadel needs to change teams.....
Posted by: Theresa | July 08, 2009 at 02:23 AM
Ok, I'm wrong wrong wrong. Cat is right Christian is 12th. But he'll continue to get stronger.
Cathy, what do you think about Astana having too many chiefs and not enough indians??? Poor Levi, I haven't heard an interview with him.
Posted by: Theresa | July 08, 2009 at 02:27 AM
OH, I thought it was weird that Ben Stiller was on the podium presenting Fabian with his yellow jersey and Lion.
I guess it really was set up for Lance!! As Fabian said"Swiss timing"
Posted by: Theresa | July 08, 2009 at 02:29 AM
Do you desire a house but you lack enough cash to acquire it?
Posted by: RamonGustav | September 05, 2010 at 10:33 PM
Congratulations! You have so much useful information, write more.
Posted by: Music_master | September 26, 2010 at 02:05 AM