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« Name Game | Main | Lance Crash »

March 13, 2009



What a sweet photo, and I love the B&B!


Sorry...b&W black and white...doh.

Congratulations on your new blog. Now we can read you in yet another venue!

We promise to behave.


Cat, are you *sure* you can keep that promise? ;)

How great was the day for Tyler Farrar????? To pass Cav in the bunch sprint?!

SO cool for him! The Garmin boys must be flying high this week!!


Thanks for the link, JD.


After Paris-Nice today on VS (didn't Alberto ride his heart out?), I started watching the Iditarod... for everyone who MISSES Al Trautwig, here he is. I do think he has a marvelous "announcer voice" but oh, the DRAMA!


Al's good at that. Drama, that is!!!
I missed the telecast, but it's on the DVR..I want to see Christian and Tyler's stage wins!!


P-N, that was drama too! I could only watch the clips of the finishes & read the recaps, cause I worked this weekend. Respect for Alberto--and all the other racers who made it such a great contest. And I'm so delighted for Tyler Farrer! It has been a fun start to the racing season, for sure. Wish I didn't have to work next Saturday too, I'll be missing Milan-San Remo won't I?

I'm going to try to watch AI this week. And you know what? I've gotten hooked on The Apprentice too.( Although last night I fell asleep on the couch & missed it.) Melissa Rivers reminds me of someone I'm forced to work with. Beyond that, I enjoy the way they try to complete the task while jockeying for position. Hope it is not really like that in the business world!


Yes! Great drama at P-N!! Dang I always love watching Jens make everyone suffer :)

So.........Sara...........IA loves AI right? What do you think?


Isn't it funny the way this blog's font makes AI (as in American Idol) look just like Al (as in Trautwig)? This could get confusing. Idol is much more fun than Mr. Drama.


So...TODAY is the first day of SPRING!!

Oh and hey...TONIGHT Is the grand-finale of Battlestar Galactica...crap. It's been a great run and there just seems too few episodes. I will miss it.

OK...have a GREAT weekend everybody!


Cavendish WON Milan San-Remo!!! George was leading him out in the sprint! What a learning curve!! Eric Zabel has been working with him on this race. Everyone was right-on!!


So, Lance has crashed out of Castilla Y Leon! He was acting like his clavicle was fractured. Will this ruin his participation in the Giro?

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