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January 12, 2009



Sara, this is brilliant! It is making me think about how many things I am procrastinating because I can't decide - my bedroom that needs a redo, but I can't decide just what damn color to paint the walls... my no-longer-new office that still has a bare wall because whatever I put there has to be perfect... and many more important things that I just can't **** or get off the pot and do. I'm inspired.

But the best and most brilliant part of all this is that YOU'RE BACK!

Matt can use this place as 'practice'...just write about anything...working on your skills, and all the while entertaining us out here in blog-O-land.

For example, todays tidbit about your sons first bus ride is great! Takes me WAAAYYY back to when I was a wee lad, walking down a lonely country road with my brothers to our bus stop (grew up in a small Wyoming town).

Welcome BACK!


Loved it Sara! Just write about what's going on in your life, it's okay if it's not about cycling! Love the story about your son.

I'm waiting for the Tour Down Under to start, BUT I'm really stoked about ToC and FLOYD's comeback! Jelly Belly doesn't know yet if they get a slot at the ToC, but that would make a perfect race!!!

And really, our regular lives are the stuff we live each day. Yesterday I got pulled into a drama-fest, that I didn't want to be part of...after all we had work to do! That "supervisor stuff" is annoying....I'm glad I don't have many to supervise except myself!!


I've missed coming here you guys!


Ahhh, someone opened the window and let in the air of SPRING. Thank you Sara. All I ever wanted to do was hear you think (on cyber paper) and read what other's thought about what you wrote and their little experiences. I have soooo missed the daily or even semi daily interaction of our group. I kinda like the fact that you haven't written for a while 'cause now we are (realistically or not) just us IAers. You know that illusion of a private conversation. Certainly some will come upon us when Googling a hot cyclist you just happen to mention, but for the moment, it's just us.

Man, I didn't realize how nice this would feel.

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